Posts in How To

Car First Aid Kits: What Yours Should Include
Whether you're hiking a trail, going camping in a tent, or just going for a long drive, it's always best to...

Using 511 for Traffic Information and More
Lots of states have adopted a 511 traffic system program to provide drivers with up-to-the-minute travel and traffic...

Tips for Buying Your First Car
We offer one of the most convenient options for completing this requirement helping you get one step closer to...

Safety Tips for Driving at Night
If you find driving after dark a little daunting, you're certainly not alone. Night driving is considerably more...

Tips to Help You Avoid Emotional Driving
For many people, driving is a way to relieve stress, get away from negative situations, or clear their thoughts. But getting behind the wheel when...

Be Responsible – Recycle Car Parts!
Many of us make a habit of separating paper, plastic, and glass from our trash to recycle them and do a daily good deed for the environment. But did you know that...

Eco-Friendly Car Cleaning Tips to Prepare for Spring
It's almost March, which means that spring is just around the corner! Whether you live in a warm or cold climate, springtime is an excellent time to...

Being a Driver for Uber: The Perks and Challenges
Uber is a popular and somewhat controversial ride-hailing service that has gained significant momentum in many...

Mountain Driving Tips for Your Winter Adventures
It's the end of January, which is right in the middle of ski season for many adventure-seekers and athletes across America...

How to Transfer Your Driver's License to Another State
For many people, a new year means a new beginning. As 2015 swings into full gear, many of us will be making...

Understanding Traffic Rules for Roundabouts
Roundabouts are designed to make intersections safe and efficient. But for many drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, they remain...

Misunderstood Road Signs That Confuse Drivers
Fortunately, pretty much every driver on the road knows what a stop sign and a yield sign look like. However...

8 Green Driving Tips to Protect the Environment
Although automobiles have gotten a somewhat nasty reputation for polluting the environment, there lots of ways to drive greener and protect the environment when...

Cross Railroad Tracks Safer with These Safety Tips
Operation Lifesaver, America's leader in rail safety education, reports that a person or a vehicle is hit by a train about every three hours...

Honking Dos and Don'ts: Horn Etiquette Tips for Drivers
Horn honking: if you're like most drivers, you either you love it or you hate it! Some drivers use their horns to...

Determining Who Has the Right of Way
The concept of "right of way" is especially important for young drivers with only a little experience on the road. Many traffic laws only state that...

How to Avoid Thanksgiving Roadway Accidents
If you're like many Americans, you're planning to hop in your car and travel somewhere special for Thanksgiving this year...

How to Effectively Use Turn Signals on the Road
What percentage of the time would you say you use turn signals before making a turn or changing lanes on the road...

Airbag Safety Advice for Teen Drivers
Airbags save thousands of lives each year, allowing drivers and passengers to walk away from serious accidents with just minor...

How to Handle Wildlife on the Road
Although you and your fellow drivers are trusted to know and understand the rules of the road, wildlife species have no idea what road safety even means...

Gas Mileage Tips to Save Money
The gas mileage your car gets makes a big difference in how much you spend to drive each year. Economists estimate that you...

How to Get Discount Auto Insurance in Florida
Getting a driver's license is a rite of passage into adulthood. It's something to look forward to during...

How to Choose the Right Driver Education
Learning to drive for the first time can be quite intimidating. Cars zipping past you as you try to take a firm grip...

How To Do A 3-Point Turn
Learn how to complete a 3-point turn in this great instructional video. While classically known as a 3-point turn due to the physical...