Posts in Safety

Car First Aid Kits: What Yours Should Include
Whether you're hiking a trail, going camping in a tent, or just going for a long drive, it's always best to...

Using 511 for Traffic Information and More
Lots of states have adopted a 511 traffic system program to provide drivers with up-to-the-minute travel and traffic...

Safety Tips for Driving at Night
If you find driving after dark a little daunting, you're certainly not alone. Night driving is considerably more...

Alcohol and the Teenage Brain: Avoiding Underage DUI
It doesn't take a neuroscience degree to understand that the teenage brain functions much differently than the...

Tips to Help You Avoid Emotional Driving
For many people, driving is a way to relieve stress, get away from negative situations, or clear their thoughts. But getting behind the wheel when...

MADD's Drunk Driving Report: Which States Got 5-Star Ratings
Mothers Against Drunk Driving, commonly referred to as MADD, was founded by the mother of a drunk driving victim and is celebrating its 35th anniversary of...

Driverless Trucks: Self-Driving Tech and the Trucking Industry
We've all heard about self-driving cars, but what about self-driving trucks? How would the trucking industry change in America if semi-trucks became...

Why Driver Safety Statistics are Looking Brighter
Thousands of people lose their lives to traffic accidents every year, so it's often difficult to feel optimistic when getting...

Slow Left Lane Driving: The Law and Why It's So Dangerous
Slow left lane drivers are a pet peeve for many people on the road. Are you one of them...

Is "Social Media While Driving" the New Texting?
We always hear about the dangers of texting and driving, but is texting really the problem? Or do the larger problems lie with...

Our Online Driver Ed Guide: What Do We Offer in Your State?
First Time Driver is a resource offered by the American Safety Council designed to equip individuals with the tools and information that they need to get their first driver's license. We offer a variety of...

Mountain Driving Tips for Your Winter Adventures
It's the end of January, which is right in the middle of ski season for many adventure-seekers and athletes across America...

Texting While Driving in Florida: Are the Laws Changing?
Using a mobile phone while driving isn't just unsafe, it's illegal and punishable by fines in many states. However...

Do Car Accident Fatality Signs Make Drivers Safer?
Have you driven past one of those ominous highway fatality signs on the road lately? In states across America, electronic billboards are...

Carjacking Safety Tips: How to Avoid Becoming a Victim
A carjacking is one of the scariest things that can ever happen to a driver. It's a violent crime that involves stealing a car by force, often at...

The Most Traffic Congested Cities in the World
For many travelers, traffic is as much a part of the holidays as gift giving, decorated trees, and delicious meals. Obviously, traffic congestion is more of a problem in...

Why Driving on New Year's Eve is Dangerous and How to Stay Safe
As 2014 comes to a close and 2015 approaches, many people are making their New Year's Eve plans with family and friends. Although...

Can Simulation Booths Help Prevent Teen Texting While Driving?
By now, most teenagers in American have been warned repeatedly about the dangers of texting and driving. Yet sometimes...

Travel Safety Tips for the Holidays
The holiday season is always full of joy and merriment, but unfortunately, it's also a dangerous time for drivers and travelers across the country...

Understanding Traffic Rules for Roundabouts
Roundabouts are designed to make intersections safe and efficient. But for many drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, they remain...

Commonly Misunderstood Traffic Safety Laws
Drivers in America are required to take a written exam in order to get a driver's license, but rules of the road are easily...

Misunderstood Road Signs That Confuse Drivers
Fortunately, pretty much every driver on the road knows what a stop sign and a yield sign look like. However...

Cross Railroad Tracks Safer with These Safety Tips
Operation Lifesaver, America's leader in rail safety education, reports that a person or a vehicle is hit by a train about every three hours...

Honking Dos and Don'ts: Horn Etiquette Tips for Drivers
Horn honking: if you're like most drivers, you either you love it or you hate it! Some drivers use their horns to...

Determining Who Has the Right of Way
The concept of "right of way" is especially important for young drivers with only a little experience on the road. Many traffic laws only state that...

How "Connected Cars" Promise to Reduce Auto Accidents
Each year, the automotive industry continues to evolve and become more and more high tech. Many tech features boost...

How to Avoid Thanksgiving Roadway Accidents
If you're like many Americans, you're planning to hop in your car and travel somewhere special for Thanksgiving this year...

How to Effectively Use Turn Signals on the Road
What percentage of the time would you say you use turn signals before making a turn or changing lanes on the road...

Top 5 Reasons Police will Pull You Over
Drivers never welcome the sight of flashing lights and the sound of wailing sirens behind them on the road...

Airbag Safety Advice for Teen Drivers
Airbags save thousands of lives each year, allowing drivers and passengers to walk away from serious accidents with just minor...

10 Tips to Avoid Drowsy Driving
Drowsy driving has become as much of a concern on the road as drunk driving and distracted driving...

How to Handle Wildlife on the Road
Although you and your fellow drivers are trusted to know and understand the rules of the road, wildlife species have no idea what road safety even means...

Safety Requirements for Self-Driving Cars
Driving safety and convenience are at the heart of self-driving cars, however, many Americans are still very skeptical about driving one...

Safe Driving Tips for Halloween
It's the night when goblins and ghouls roam the streets! Halloween can be one of the most fun and creative holidays all year, however...

How Oklahoma is Cracking Down on Impaired Drivers
Around the holidays, there's always a big crack down on drunk drivers around the country. Unfortunately...

How to Stay Safe on Ohio Roads This Winter
Anyone who's spent some time in Ohio knows that winters can be brutal. Maybe this is your first winter in Ohio or perhaps...

What to Know about the Texting and Driving Ban in Florida
Last year, Florida joined a large majority of states to prohibit texting and driving throughout the Sunshine State. Although...

Top 10 Driving Distractions
You already have enough to worry about when you're driving for the first time. Throw in some distractions and you're bound to...

The 6 Best Cars for New Drivers
There is so much to consider when you are a new driver. How do you get your brain to quickly shift from the gas pedal to the...